Nowadays you can buy basically anything online, from eBooks to real estate. Online car sales and online car auctions are quite common as well. But evidently, buying a car at an online auction, is not exactly the same thing as buying it traditionally, directly from the dealership or private owner. Therefore, here are a few particularities regarding the purchasing of a car in an online auction.

The Mechanism Of An Online Car Auction

To be able to sell an item on a website such as eBay, MadBid, Bidz.com, or eBid, you need to be a registered user, and provide a number of personal details to the sales website, and also agree to the terms and conditions. To bid on an auctioned item (in our case, a car), you also need to register. Typically, the car seller will upload at least a photo of the vehicle, a description (the more detailed, the better), and will also choose the closing time for the bidding. 

The bidding for a car is rather simple. Once you've registered with the site, you can simply click on the bid button to place a bid. The website will pass your bidding info to the car seller. 

The highest (and last bidder) will receive an email from the auctions website that they've won, typically including the details of the seller. If the deal closes without any impediments, the buyer transfers the money to the seller, it's usually common sense that the both buyer and seller give each other a positive feed back on the auction site, to build reputation. 

Each auctioning website has its own rules regarding the bidding on an auction. For example, in case you have missclicked on the bidding button, or changed your mind about your bid, you may retract your bid before the end of the auction, but usually you will have to contact the seller and ask if they agree to let you retract your bid. 

Tips For Buying At An Online Auction

- Never bid on a car that doesn't have a satisfying photo. A car seller should upload muliple photos of the car, not just one.

- Check other websites for similar cars and see if you won't find one for a lower price. 

- Normally a seller should upload their phone number, so you can contact them and ask them questions about the vehicle, if needed. Or you can contact them via the sales site. In case the seller lives nearby, you can even ask them for a visit to test drive the car.

- Read the description carefully, at least a few times. 

- Don't get carried away with the bidding. 

- Keep in mind that purchasing a car at an online auction may not provide you the same benefits as buying it from a dealership.

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